Sunday, October 12, 2008

Woah- this elephant is more artistic than me.

Now I've seen it all.

...This weekend has been superb. Anna, Alex and LIZ were in town, so we made sure to hit up all the Spokane hot-spots (giant red radio flyer...garbage eating goat...picaboo bistro...the GRIND). Yesterday we watched University of Montana beat Eastern in football- it was cold, but very fun. Tailgating w/ Barbie's minivan was the highlight. Never eatin' so many wheat thins in my life. Oh, and kettle korn. Why did I spell that with a "k"? That must be how they spell it, because I don't think I would just come up with that on my own. Who knows. 

I have pictures from all of the above, but I don't know where my camera chord is so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. SORRY.

 It's happened- Spokane is now cold. Freezing, actually. Like, so frigid you don't want to open the front door to check the mail. So cold you neglect washing your hands after going to the bathroom because the left-over drops of H2O will turn your fingers to icicles the second you walk outside. SO COLD that, while biking to work in the morning, you find yourself mumbling "burrrr....BURRR, oh burr burr burr burr burr burr burr BURR....(and you don't stop repeating it until you're inside drinking piping hot tea and hovering over the toaster) ".

Cyprus, I miss you.

I asked my teacher if he'd write me a reccomendation letter for the Edinburgh masters program I am applying for!! It's a great feeling because I'd been putting it off for a couple weeks. It's awkward when you don't really know the professor and they don't really know you- yet they're still supposed to write about how wonderful you are. Plus, he's a priest and I didn't know how to approach him. Do I call him "father"? I just went with "Hey, I have a question for you". It went well. 


Blogging will improve when:

1. I have the pictures from this weekend up
2. I am not distracted by wanting to squeeze as much in w/ Liz as I can before she leaves (SAD)
3. I take a successful shize (it's been too long)
4. I'm not so tired (LAME, when people complain about being tired. I try not to do it too much- but every now and then it's just unavoidable. SO TIRED)
5. Someone decides to pay me for blogging. "Professional blogger" seems like such a CAKE job. I would just have to find something more interesting to write about...because my life just isn't cuttin' it in the interesting department right now.

Still drinkin' green tea like it's liquid happiness, 



Unknown said...

sounds like a great weekend! im SO glad you're getting your reccommendation. exciting!!!!

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Masters program in Edinburgh! Good for you, that sounds fabulous

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