Thursday, October 2, 2008


I picked this picture because of the boots...

Anyone else sick of the words Maverick, Main Street, Wasilla, Scranton, and Ahmadinejad?

Hmm...Palin isn't doing well. It's a bit painful. The shout-out to her brother's third grade class seemed a little out of place/forced. She's lost weight (Clare's observation). He's referred to himself in the third person a couple times...cringe. She likes to say "darn right" and he likes to say "Gwen". It's weird that these two haven't met before- I didn't realize that. I liked how she said, "Can I call ya Joe?" when they shook hands in the beginning. She wins for bigger flag lapel pin. He wins for answering questions directly. 

Me right now: 
eating tuna/ritz
drinking jasmine green tea
enjoying some dark chocolate Spocandy
watching the Vice Prez debate which is already a heck of a lot more entertaining than the Prez debate was
biting my nails and spitting them on our carpet
flexing my calves/forarms (always)

I have three papers to write tonight. I haven't worked this hard since finals week of fall semester last year. It's a bit of a shock to my Cyprusy, laid back, system. 

ugh, I hate how much politicians say "God Bless America" so much. Let's think of something new. How bout, "America, I love ya!" or maybe a simple "U S A, U S A, U S A..." chant.

The PBS people are saying she held her own...maybe it was their low expectations because I thought she SUCKED. I guess it wasn't a total crash and burn. Her "passion" comes off as a tactic, but his seems genuine.


Purple mountains majesty, 


P.S. I never got that- purple mountains? What does that mean? Is it like how people say "blue hairs" when talkin' about elderly woman?


AJK said...

If being a maverick means you don't have to answer questions, then she's a REAL MAVERICK

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

A couple of my 2nd graders asked me before what purple mountains majesty means...I usually just say that's the color the mountains look when the sun is setting, makes sense to me!

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