Friday, February 13, 2015

Night out

Two words: night out.

I'm going on one! Tonight!

It's my friend Igor's 30th birthday and to celebrate we're going to a nightclub to boogie into the wee hours. I might wear eyeshadow. It's gonna be wild.

I still remember when I was first introduced to the concept of a 'night out'. It was freshman year of college and my cousin Clare, always hip to the jive and one step ahead of me, asked, "Are you going out tonight?"

I'd never heard anyone phrase it like that.

Going out? Going out where? Safeway? To take the garbage out?

What I later gleaned from context was that 'going out' or going on a 'night out' meant wearing your best top, drinking alcohol, listening to music and dancing with friends and strangers alike.

This is what a 'night out' looks like. Barbie and Madge circa 2010. 

Anyway, it's been a while since I've been on a night out. But I have a fresh bowl cut and I'm ready to go. Let's do this.


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