Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Breaking the Law of Attraction

Did you notice I changed the quote in the header? I'm going to switch the quote around every so often just you keep you on your toes.

I asked my friends the other day, "Who do you think is unconventionally attractive (it can be a celeb if you can't think of a 'real' person)?" And by "unconventional" I simply mean they are not obviously attractive- they aren't known for their good looks.

Barbie's answer: -you guessed it- Uncle Joey Gladstone.

Isabel's answer: Anthony Bourdain from the Travel Channel show "No Reservations"
I didn't ask Martha, but she often strays from the norms of conventional beauty when seeking a celeb crush. Her stipulations include, big nose, pale skin, scrawny physique.... basically, she prefers the "weak and sickly" look. Believe it or not, this look can actually work for some people. Michael Cera, for example.

Who do you find unconventionally attractive?

I can't think of anyone right now. It's not that there aren't a lot of weirdly cute people out there...but off the top of my head none are coming to mind. This could be because I am distracted by the INSANELY loud conversation the people next to me are having. I am in a study area/coffee/hangout place on campus where I come to blog, eavesdrop, and read the latest New Yorker mag. Pretty soon I am going to head to aerobics and yoga with Clare. Hopefully the classes are challenging enough and not too crowded. And hopefully I don't fart. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County is on tonight. I think this has been the best season so far because the two new housewives are NOT meshing well with the preexisting housewives. I've been watching this show since season 1, so I feel like I know them all. It's great.




EMAR said...

oh god! Jamil and I only communicate by saying TA! these days. And as for unconventionally attractive...MACAULAY CULKIN! I sweat him. Also, I have always described my taste as Russian, not weak and sickly. But thanks for the shout out.

AJK said...

Uncle Joey? Sick. How about Dr. Drew?

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Michael Cera is super cute.

Uncle Joey...gross, all I think of is the mullet down the back of his neck and "CUT, IT, OUT" with the hand motions. lame.

My sister used to have a weird thing for Jeff Goldblum (the Jurassic Park/Independence Day years)...and she is typically into dumb blond waterpolo players...

Hmm...I'd have to say, Tom Hanks - always liked him, or British actor Colin Firth, he just seems nice.

Francie said...

How about Steve Urkel? When he was Stefan of course. Dreamy.

Abby said...

Martha LOVES guys with big noses! Ask her about Evan K from the parking lot at the Seaside safeway. Unconventionally attractive man of my dreams: Joey Fatone - I KNOW. don't make fun of me.

Unknown said...

JOEY FATONE! hahaha Abby you win!

AJK said...

This post/comments are SO funny!!! HA! Madge - you were blogging about Real Housewives back in 2009, some things never change!

PS- Abby like Joey FATONE!!!

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