I'm going to see KATHY GRIFFIN tonight!!! I've been a big fan of hers for a while now and it will be insane seeing her in the flesh. Who will she be gossiping about now? SO EXCITED!

Secondly, I realized this morning that I often don't know if I have said something or just thought it. Like, I don't know if I have said "go ahead and sign the top copy" to a bagel customer who's signing their receipt or if I have merely THOUGHT it in my head. Even worse- when I am walking this blurry line between saying and thinking, I will often KIND OF say something but mainly just let out a low, throaty breath noise....its weird, I know. I don't think people can hear me when I make this noise, but who knows, maybe they do.......it worries me. This actually is so weird and I cannot describe it in words over my blog. Especially because I have to be in class in ten minutes I can't think of the proper way to explain it under those time constraints. I'll try again later.
possibly audible breath-grunt,
oddly enough, i know what you're talking about! i often wonder if i have said something out loud or just thought it. the low breathy noise is another thing though- you're on your own with that one!
Madge and Char - you are weird. Char - stop commenting on other people's blogs and make a new post!! You are now officially worse than me!
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