Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ok, wow...Blogging AGAIN

Ok, I'm a 22 year old woman- WHY do I still cringe and blush every time I watch people approach their crush on "MADE" ??? I'm watching it right now (Oprah's over) and this nerdy girl's MADE-coach just forced to her ask a cute skater boy out on a "skate date". 

OMG, it was too much! I squinted my eyes and cranked up the David Archuleta on my itunes. I just couldn't bear to listen to it...

He was nice, and said yes and they went to the skate park and it's all ok. Sigh of relief. I don't know why I freaked out but it was just so AWK.

The picture below is a reenactment of me watching it all go down. It kind of just looks like I'm smelling a fart, but you get the idea. 

I'm so empathetic (emphasis on the "pathetic"), 



Unknown said...

I keep finding myself clicking to check your blog to see if yet another has shown up today.

I should learn better.

AJK said...

it does look like you're smelling a fart

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