And that is an example of how I spend my days. YouTube-ing things that I see on TV and blogging about them.
My options are "Keeping Up With the Kardashians", "Rock Of Love: Charm School", or "Super Nanny." All good, I know. Tough choices. I've already seen this episode of The Kardashians, and Charm School isn't as good as the original Rock of Love, so Super Nanny it is.
So, the identity of the "mystery man" that Oprah was leaning against during Obama's victory speech has been revealed! Turns out he was just some random guy! HA! As much as we all love her, does Oprah ever seem incredibly out-of-touch to anyone else besides me?
I tried to google image search the mystery man and this picture popped up, I've decided to post it anyway:

Yesterday, Clare and I went to the Nordstrom cafe and split a chocolate, coconut macaroon. It was HEAVENLY. I felt like I was back in Cyprus where we would spend hours at cafes, eating cookies and drinking tea.
That reminds me- I submitted my application to the University of Edinburgh today! Cross your fingers for me pleeeeeease.
This is a random post. Post's without themes sometimes get my goat, but they're better than nothing.
Check out these artsy drainpipes in Sea-town:

Someone come here and give me a back massage,
how about an arm scratch?
cool drain pipes
I can't believe I just sat and watched all those videos. I don't have time to get all of my homework done this weekend yet I found the time to watch Daisy sour cream commercials. Well done Madge.
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