Friday, August 14, 2015

Wisdom from Maria

My cousin Maria is as wise as they come.

Here are her words of wisdom for you all on this Friday evening:

  • Ask to see a manager if your coupon's expired.

  • If you tie your shoes too tight, there's a good chance that over time you'll get a bone spur. The bone spurs can mess with your arteries and it's really painful.

  • You're the only one that decides what to put in your mouth.

  • You've heard it before, but it's really true: people do start to resemble their pets over time. Your hair...the way you squint your eyes just so...

  • People are only listening to 1/3 of what you're saying no matter what it is you're talking about.

  • If you eat too much salt one day, the next day you should eat bananas and drink coconut water. 

  • If you're really tired, do a backbend. It's like having a shot of espresso. The same is true of an orange.

  • Buy ten pairs of sunglasses when you're at the 99 cent store. You'll never feel bad when you sit on them or lose them.

  • Famous people are tiny in real life. Almost all of them. 

  • If someone's sitting down and you're having a conversation with them, sit or squat down so that you're at their level. Particularly if you're speaking to an older person.
Diane Lane = one of those celebs who is extra tiny in real life.
Also, is it just me or does that dog look like John Cusack?

Thanks, Maria!


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