Sunday, July 11, 2010

I've gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good good night


Tonight is the big night- the 2010 FIFA World Cup final.

Holland v. Spain

Orange v. Red w/some yellow in there

Wooden Clogs v. Espadrilles (?)

Dutch Babies v. Spanish Omelette

Van Gogh v. Picasso

Windmills v. Bullfighting

Phew, that took some googling. Anyway, most people I've spoken to (none of whom are Spanish or Dutch) don't really care who wins tonight. Everyone just wants a good game. Maybe an early Holland goal? Any early goal would set the game in motion. I wouldn't mind seeing a goal scored by the goalie- straight from a goal kick into the back of the net. That would make watching EVERY game of this World Cup worth it for me. I am pretty sure all the English are hoping for a Howard Webb win.

Not to glass-half-empty it, but what the HECKFIRE are we suppose to do after tonight?!? The end of the World Cup doesn't just mean no more football games, it also means we must wave goodbye to:

1. The bombinating, B-flat, drone of vuvuzelas that has been the screensaver of our brains throughout the tournament (at ALL times- not just while watching the games). Won't miss that.


3. The Guardian World Cup Daily podcast. I will miss it.

4. Paul the Octupus- he'll be calamari by Monday.

Oh well, George Harrison taught us that all things must pass, and so be it. Here's to a great game tonight!



P.S. "Bombinate" is a verb that means to make a droning noise. What a fantastic word! Thank you,

P.P.S. I understand that calamari is squid, but since there is no name for cooked octopus (other than just "octopus") I just decided to use it anyway.


Dave Jones said...

1) also available at all good music shops. Hopefully coming to a premier league near you soon.

2) also available at all good record stores. Also, why aren't you on spotify (social)?

3) The world cup daily podcast is a spin off of the successful football weekly podcast and the even more successful football weekly extra podcast. Puntastic footballing incites twice weekly. Available through the guardian website, itunes and all good podcast subscription services.

4) Sadly I have no idea how to fill your soothsaying cephalopod mollusk needs. Guess you'll have to figure that one out on your own.

P.s. Wikipedia helped my out on the cephalopod mollusk reference. Marine biological technical terms aren't exactly my specialist subject.

Grassyllama said...

HAAAAAAAAAA! A BLOG COMMENT! Thanks buddy. However, I will not be buying a vuvuzela anytime soon. As for my cephalopod mollusk needs, I will keep searching.

AJK said...

Love the new blog design - mourning the end of the cup =(

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