Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Belong In a Nursing Home

I take more pills than a 90 year old.

The best part of my day is Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune.

Standing in the shower requires too much energy, so I mainly take baths. 

My mood is determined by my digestion.

I wear matching flannel PJs to bed every night, usually keeping my moccasins on and hugging a hot water bottle tightly. 

My favorite foods are all hot and liquidy- tea, soup, applesauce. No chewing required!

Here is a picture of me and all my supplements (Flouridex, Cloves, Wormwood, Black Walnut Hull Extract, Magnesium, Cayenne/Garlic, Probiotics, Smooth Move tea, Liver-Care Detox tea, Fish Oil and a Multi!):

I took this picture with the mac book, so all of the lettering is backward. OH WELL.

TGIF tomorrow!

AHHHHHHHHHHHH. It's also Friday the 13th tomorrow! I just realized it! WATCH OUT!




AJK said...

you're not a day over 89

Abby said...

I have been a senior citizen for years now. just embrace it!

Nicole said...

But are you crotchety and reminiscing to the good old days?...oh wait, we did that a bit last Saturday.

Francie said...

old is the new young.

Unknown said...

are you wearing your flannel pj's in that pic? you weren't joking! rice crispies lasted less than 48 hours. so SO good, danke!

Unknown said...

do you know why you take all of those? and have you checked for interactions between them?

Jamil said...

Smooth Move tea. Ahahahaha!

jon said...

yikes, that's me!!! Have you been peeking in my windows? I need an excel spreadsheet to keep track of my pills.

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