Thursday, January 29, 2009

Joy! Joy! Joy!

Shut up. I don't want to hear it. I'm not a blog factory here people. Be thankful for what you get.

Ok, I'm sorry. SORRRRYYY. Forgive me. I'm, busy? 

"Joy, Joy, Joy" was the name of a song on a children's music cassette tape that me and the sibs went absolutely APE for.  It wasn't the "single" track (that was titled "Backward's Land"), but it was pretty dern good for a b-side. 

When I have kids they are listening to children's music and only children's music until they're at least 9. AND NOT the "Kids Bop" remakes of top40 songs. No way. I'm talkin Raffi, Backwards Land, and some more Raffi. I'm not sure why I feel so strongly about this, but I think it's because it was how I was raised and I obviously turned out wonderfully. 

I thought "JOY" would be a good topic for today's post because I experienced it multiple times today. After I was finished with aerobics, after I was finished with yoga, and while I kneaded homemade pizza dough (it's rising now...oooohweee!). 

Did you have any moments today where you felt joyful?

Also, the word "JOY" popped into my head because Barbie tried to use it as a verb (JOYING) when we were playing Scategories the other day. Her explanation: "Ya know, when you're wiping things down in the kitchen with Joy're in the act of "joying." I can't remember what the category was, but needless to say, "joying" got a big thumbs down from everyone.

Hmm...which Joy label/bottle do you prefer?

I left my rolling pin in Pullman a year or so ago, so I think I'm going to have to roll out the dough with a mug or something.....or can I just throw it in the air pizzaria-style? I think that will work as long as I exclaim "Mamma Mia!!! A-pepperoni-pizzzzza!!" in a thick Italian accent while I toss it. 

Love y'alls, 



EMAR said...

ah the faux-Italian accent. It takes me back!

Francie said...

FINALLY. Ha j/k. I love your tribute to kids' songs and my vote goes to the 2nd bottle of Joy. Be to place is the land backwards!

Maria said...

Oh Fronk, 'be to place' was the best song ever. It will be running in my head for weeks. Next time you need to roll dough try a can of beans...

Unknown said...

Or a glass, that works too! I like the Joy on the right. Tell Barbie nice effort for trying to make joy a verb. Today my boss told me someone told him I look like Britney Spears...I may have felt joyful if he was referring to old school Brit but I'm not so sure he was. Compliment or not?

AJK said...

I like the cloudy bottle

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

When I was little I went to a Raffi concert with my dad, and he got called on stage to help Raffi! Haha, it was really funny to see my dad making a fool of himself on stage with the bearded man!

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