Thursday, September 11, 2008

some of my favorite emails from the past year...


Heads up . . . WAMU is in big trouble . . . how much money is in your
checking accts? I really have no idea what to expect if they declare
bankruptcy . . . freeze accts ?
We all watched Mary Poppins . . .

love you all

today alex walked down his front steps and at the bottom there was a DEAD black cat. he had to RAKE it to the curb for animal control to pick up because he doesn't have a shovel (the suggested tool). SICK! Talk about a bad omen
- Anna


Hi to my four daughters.

I am hoping that one of you might lift your head up
from your beach towel and check your email.

I'm mailing the invite envelopes, F, and also want to
mail Lou's dress.
As I recall, I bought her size 6, and Char has the 6P.
I thought I sent Char's to her, but I have a 6P in
the closet. I have a 4 (Anna) 6 (Lou) and 6P (Char)
but how did Char's dress leave Ireland? I am
perplexed but time does fly- did you bring it back
when you came for the funeral?? It can't be Caits
because she is tall.

To cut to the chase: Is the 6 Lou's?

Lou, your Mam and Pap listened to the saved message of
you singing O Holy Night yesterday. Rich said, "Gosh,
I miss her."

We then went to Barbie's blog and enjoyed seeing what
you've been up to.

And yes, we miss the rest of you too, but not nearly
as much as our darling, sweet last-born babe.
- Nancy Padden

Memory Returned
Just recalled Char trying dress on and lamenting about
the ribs. I'll send the 6.

Good job Joe. Now I see why MidWest is paying you all of that moola.
- Glen Shearer (in response to Joe's updated Padden-fam email list)


let the record reflect that my email is actually . . because my middle name is elizabeth, not something that starts with a C. get it together, joe.

if its any consolation- when i told the girls at work that you and your bf had broken up and it was sad etc etc, there was a pause and everyone nodded and said yeah, they are so young blah blah but its always so hard blah blah. THEN, after no one said anything else for a second, joanna (the one from columbia) goes 'well, she is so beautiful she will have NO problem getting someone else' in her columbian accent. and then she talked more about your nose being perfect!!!!
- Char Kay

Obama took Washington for the demos and
McCain for repubs . . . Nina went to the Obama rally at the Key Arena . . . she said it was crazy . . . nearly got caught in a stampede . . . she went with Jo Pagetti
Grammy's last night, but I didn't watch . . . that Amy person got 5 grammy's ? or maybe not, anyway I've heard a couple of her tunes and I don't think Rehab is her best, but what do I know . . . I do hope she kicks her addictions . . . I met Joe's Rose . . . she seems nice . . . anyhoot honey . . . I'm going to work on a care pkg this week . . . (goldfish orig) . . . back the stix rm . . . things still very slow . .. the market is correcting . . .
love ya


Feline said...
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EMAR said...


AJK said...

OMG is that for real

Grassyllama said...


Grassyllama said...

that was stressful

Nancy said...

Where oh where did Feline go? Oh where oh where can he be?

Unknown said...

hahaha sooooo funny!

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