OK, I can't really count it as "live blogging" because A) I'm watching it on my laptop hours after it aired and B) a blog, as a medium, doesn't allow for real-time publishing.
But it made for a catchy title, didn't it? And I'm still going to jot down my thoughts as the episode goes along, complete with timestamps to make it
feel like you're right here in my bed watching it with me. Ew, get out!
Here we go...
0 min
The episode title is 'Person To Person' — hmmm....a song by Average White Band. Will they play it? Just looked it up and it was released in 1974. Are we in 1974 yet in Mad Men land? I bet we are.
First prediction: the song 'Person To Person' will play at some point during the episode, but not during the closing credits.
1 min, 41 sec
Don is wearing goggles and driving a car really fast on sand. Looks like Tatooine. Then he has a conversation with two guys about how the car shakes when it gets up to 130mph. But I didn't really understand the conversation and I had to "rewind" it and watch it again.
Still not really sure what was said.
2 min, 50 sec
Poor Don Draper's secretary. At least they gave her a nice send off, with that cute pig latin joke. By the way, what was her name again?
6 min
Peggy and Stan in a boardroom. Don D. in a bedroom with the girl from the car warehouse place from earlier (I think).
Both scenarios are making me uneasy.
6 min, 36 sec
Noooooooooooooooo, Joan! Don't snort that cocaine! Just say no! Just say no! That's not supposed to become popular until the 80s—what's happening!?!?
9 min, 55 sec
We really haven't seen much of Harry Crane this season, have we? We'll, he's rockin' a nice coat for Pete's leaving lunch.
Pete and Peg's goodbye chat = very sweet considering they had a kid together and never talk about it and it's incredibly awkward.
Sally being wise beyond her years is starting to pay off. Henry Francis is a good man and she's right, it will be best if they stay at home with him when Betty kicks the bucket.
Also, this is getting really tedious, so I'm going to take a break and check back in at 30 min, unless something unbelievable happens before then.
Alright that didn't last long. I had to get this prediction in here before it left my mind: Joan + Peggy = new ad agency ran by women!? It would be the Cascadia Content of it's time!
Also, that phone call between Betty and Don? All three of us were fighting back the tears.
I'm glad Bobby and Gene both got a line in the finale. Farewell you two, troubled souls.
Yoga and Tai Chi were invented back then? Who knew? Don will never not look like a square in these hippy places.
Yikes! I need to speed things up a bit or I'm not going to make my 12am deadline! Goodbye for a while.
That old lady shoving Don!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So amazing. OK, goodbye for real now.
Peggy and Stan - YES! Great acting by Peg. They make a good pair.
Uh oh, I'm not going to be able to publish this in time. I'm going to hit publish now so that it has today's timestamp, but then I'll keep watching and provide my final thoughts when it's over.
By the way, this was one of the WORST ideas I've ever had. It has totally removed me from the finale experience and I shall never do it again!
Ah, I get it. He went back to McCann and made that Coke ad. Right? Hmmm. I think that's what happened. Is that suppose to make me feel good or depressed? Well, joke's on you, Matthew Weiner, because I don't feel anything other than tired and full from all these Pirate's Booty white cheddar cheese puffs I've been eating.
Well, that's that! Great show. Glad it's over because no show really needs to last longer than seven seasons, except all the Real Housewives franchises, of course.