Now I'm not one to be preachy, but since I do have the rare privilege of reaching the masses through this blog, I feel it's my responsibility to remind everyone that EVEN THOUGH IT'S COLD OUTSIDE, the sweaty tentacles of Global Warming continue to engulf our planet. Give future generations the gift everyone's asking for this Christmas- a sustainable environment.

Ok, to be honest I just had to incorporate Global Warming in this somehow because I couldn't find Raffi's "Snow is a fallin' on Douglas Mountain" on YouTube, but I did find his song "Cool It!" about climate change. Enjoy!
P.S. That "This is why I'm Hot" picture is actually a t-shirt from - I really wish I was someone who didn't find "funny shirts" funny. I've tried so hard to think they're lame and fake vintage and too trendy and only for Rods, but the truth is- I LOVE 'EM! Go to the website and try to tell me you don't chuckle at least once. My favorite shirt is the "Jesse and the Rippers" one or "Beards- they grow on you." Ha! I know some people who would like that last one for xmas. I know two bearded people. First one to guess who they are gets $.74 in the first ever contest held on Madgespace.